Friday, August 3, 2007

Oh Crap. I'm 24.

Maybe it comes with the age, but I've noticed how I've gotten more mellow (sounds too depressing), or rather, more mature (that's more like it).

Few things I've noticed about myself that solidifies my getting older--

  • My tastes have matured; improved, in my opinion.
  • I feel like my views have changed; I'm more open minded now.
  • I don't dwell on things that don't matter to me; and petty things don't bother me as much anymore.
  • My reasoning has improved.
  • I'm calmer in difficult situations.
  • I played Mahjong on my 24th Birthday.
  • Why yes, that's a good reason alright.

I recently celebrated my birthday at home with a few close buddies. I actually prefer staying in, having friends over, and talking the night away.
It's much more intimate.
Usually, girls I know would rather go to bars and get drunk to celebrate their one more year of wisdom. Nothing against them, of course. To each his own.
Then again, this is me talking, Lil' Miss I-Dream-Of-Afternoon-Tea-Parties.

Everything about the party was impromptu. Unfortunately, my turning a year older still didn't do much on my indecisiveness.
I invited my friends on such a short notice (and was relieved they didn't have plans that Saturday).

Good food. Great music. Even greater company. :D

For the food, I ordered Lasagna and Chicken Pie, bestsellers from Magic Kitchen in Acropolis [+632.637.8002 / +632.635.2043] (do try their cakes as well.), made some Chicken Parmigiana, and baked my favorite Chocolate Cheesecake (I had to, it's my birthday! Hehe.)


Chicken Cutlets, Breasts preferrably
Salt and Pepper
Egg, beaten
Parmesan Cheese, grated
Olive oil
Tomato Sauce
Mozzarella Cheese

  • Season the chicken with salt and pepper.
  • Dip into beaten egg, then cover with breadcrumbs-and-parmesan-cheese mixture. (I used around 1/3 cup cheese for every cup of breadcrumbs.)
  • Heat oil in pan, place the chicken and cook until golden brown, drain oil.
  • Pour tomato sauce (any type you want, plain, puttanesca, basil pomodoro, etc.) on a baking dish and arrange chicken cutlets on top.
  • Place a small slice of mozzarella cheese on top of each cutlet.
  • Bake until the cheese melts.

After scarfing down our food, we moved from the dinner table to the mahjong table.
And so the fun begins.
We played for four hours straight while talking about High School and singing along to some great music simultaneously. (Haha. I did say we're frustrated singers as well, right?)
And in those four hours, I only won once. I still had a great time though. No, no, I had a blast!

***Thank you to those who came as well as to those who tried. :)

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