Saturday, October 4, 2008

A Letter To Your Younger Self

I saw this in the September 2008 issue of Marie Claire and I'd like to share it with you.

Readers were invited to submit letters they would write to their younger selves and three were selected. I chose this one in particular because frankly, and I hate to admit it, I related to this one the most.

To Melanie,

When I peer into the looking glass that illuminates you, I see a shy, quiet girl who is critically afraid. Afraid of failure, afraid of rejection, afraid of loneliness... and these fears are holding you back. If there were one lesson I could give to you, it would be to stop letting fear keep you from living. Don't run away, for joy often lies just below the surface of uncomfortable. You will fail, but failure will make success a little richer. You will be rejected, but rejection will refine your inner strength. Be good to yourself: Practice self-reverence, self-discipline, and self-control. For in the end, you are stronger than you think. The consequences of all that you fear are not nearly as bad as the regret of what is missed while standing on the sidelines.

With courage, Melanie

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